[Aelian] Aelianus, Claudius: [...] Cl. Aeliani Sophistae Varia Historia, Cum Notis Integris Conradi Gesneri, Johannis Schefferi, Tanaquilli Fabri, Joachimi Kuhnii, Jacob Perizonii, & interpretatione Latina Justi Vulteii [...] Curante Abrahamo Gronovio [...] Lugd. Bat. [Leiden] Amstelodami {Amsterdam] Roterodami [Rotterdam] Ultrajecti [Utrecht] Hagae [The H 1731 4to. 2 parts bound as 1, pp. [xcviii], 566, [ii], 567-1056, [clx]. Half title, additional engraved title, printed title-page in red and black. A title-page for the 2nd part, also in red and black, is bound between p.566 and p.567, though found in most copies at pp.640-641. Woodcut initials and end pieces. Greek and Latin text in parallel columns with notes in Latin, a few illustrations in the text. Toned, with some sections quite heavily affected and others barely at all. Light foxing and a few blotchy marks. Contemporary vellum prize binding, spine richly gilt with red morocco label, gilt frames and borders to each board with central arms of Amsterdam, edges lightly sprinkled red and blue. Spine very slightly yellowed, a few small marks, small scuff near upper board fore-edge, ties lost, still very good. To front paste-down, modern bookplate of J. de Lazerme. 'An admirable edition'. Included in the list of best quarto variorum editions provided by Dibdin in the 3rd edition of his Introduction to the Classics. Dibdin I, 231; Schweiger I, 3; Hoffmann I, 13; Spoelder 10. Ref: 54633
Aeschines & Demosthenes: (Foulkes, P. & Freind, J., eds.:) [Greek titles] In Ctesiphontem Oratio [with] De Corona Oratio. Oxonii [Oxford]: E Typographeo Clarendoniano, 1715. Editio secunda. 8vo., pp.(xvi), 151, [i], 182, [xviii]. Greek letter with Latin translation at foot followed by editors' index. Three full-page engravings, of Cicero, Aeschines and Demosthenes. Pencilled annotations.Last few leaves slightly cockled. Contemporary calf, gilt label to spine, Cambridge panelled boards, edges sprinkled red. Endcaps and corners a little worn, ffep removed but a second leaf remaining, lightly rubbed but still very good. Second edition of the recension of Peter Foulkes and John Freind, scholars of Christ Church, first published in 1696 and particularly popular on account of its index of explanations of difficult terms. ESTC T143337; Dibdin (4th edn.) 1. p. 487. Ref: 54125show full image..
Anacreon: (Brunck, Richard Francois Philippe, ed.:) Carmina. Accedunt Selecta Quaedam e Lyricorum Reliquiis. Argentorati [Strasbourg]: apud J.G. Treuttel, 1786. Third edition. 18mo., pp. [ii], 149, [i]. A little toned towards edges, some light patches of foxing. Green straight-grain morocco, raised bands and gilt title to spine, gilt borders, a.e.g.. Patchy colour fading, joints and corners worn, some scratches, still very good overall. Armorial bookplate of Thomas Sewell to front paste-down. "These are the most beautiful and accurate editions; the latter [i.e. this, of 1786] was twice published in the same year, and has the text of the Roman edition of Spalleti, but with corrections: it was a favourite edition" (Dibdin). Dibdin (4th edn.) I. 264. Ref: 51271show full image..
[Anon]: Dissertationum Ludicrarum et Amoenitatum Scriptores Varii. Lugduni Batavorum [Leiden]: apud Franciscum Hegerum, 1644. 12mo., pp.[viii], 648, 651-666. Usual mispagination. Engraved title-page, woodcut endpiecesand initials. Text in Latin with some Greek. Title-page repaired at bottom edge and loosening, light dampstaining near gutter, occasional light spotting. Contemporary vellum, title inked to spine, edges sprinkled red and blue. Vellum a little yellowed with some smudgy marks, one snapped cord at upper hinge but holding firm, very good. Large bookplate of Brian S. Donaghey to front pastedown. To ffep, ownership inscription of Percy Lousada of Merton College, Oxford, dated 1843. First published in 1623 as 'Argumentorum Ludicrorum et Amoenitatum', this collection of entertaining writings by 18 authors includes swimming, pies and donkeys among its subjects. Ref: 54657show full image..
Antoninus Augustus: (Gale, Thomas, ed.:) Antonini iter Britanniarum commentariis illustratum Thom? Gale, S. T. P. nuper Decani Ebor. opus posthumum revisit, auxit, edidit R. G. Accessit anonymi Ravennatis Britanni? chorographia, Cum Autographo Regis Galliae Mso. & codice Vaticano collata; Adjiciuntur conjecturae plur Londini: impensis M. Atkins in Coemeterio D. Pauli, 1709. 4to., pp. [ii], x, viii, 151, [xvii] + folding map + 2 further plates. Many illustrations in the text, errata and Atkin's catalogue at rear. Some odd leaves (eg. I3) a bit toned, old repair to title-page possibly where a name has been cut out, closed tear to map repaired with dots of glue. Contemporary dark brown speckled calf blind-tooled boards, recently rebacked with red label and a monogram (possibly FAB) at tail of spine, edges sprinkled red, hinges repaired. A few small scuffs, small patch repair to leather near bottom edge, corners repaired, endpapers a bit foxed, still very good. Armorial bookplate with the motto 'Manners Maketh Man' to front paste-down. 'M. Clarke, Stockton' inked in an old hand, and a pencilled signature with the surname Bennet, both to ffep. The British section of The Antonine Itinerary, with commentary by Thomas Gale. ESTC T90299; Lowndes 54. Ref: 54408show full image..
Appian: (Davies, John, trans.:) The History of Appian of Alexandria, in two parts. The first consisting of the Punick, Syrian, Parthian, Mithridatick, Illyrian, Spanish, and Hannibalick Wars. The Second containing five books of the Civil Wars of Rome... The third edition. London: Printed for John Amery at the Peacock, [...], 1679 Folio, 2 parts in 1, pp. [xiv], 251, [i], 273, [ii]. Title in red and black, woodcut initials and ornaments. First and last four leaves a bit browned and dampstained at margins, title frayed at fore-edge, light age browning throughout, occasional slight marginal foxing, 2B2-3 soiled, long clean tear from fore-edge of 4h2 extending along blank margin. Contemporary full calf, single blind ruled, rebacked with original spine onlaid, scattered loss to covers from binding acid. Modern bookplate of Fox Pointe Collection to front pastedown. The first edition of the second English translation of Appian of Alexandria's important 'Historia Romana'. Written in the 2nd century AD, it spans the origins of Rome to the end of the Republic, with a detailed account of the Civil Wars, which here constitutes the second part. This translation, originally attributed to John Dryden, was produced by John Davies (1627-93) of Kidwelly. After studying at Oxford and Cambridge, and spending some time in France, he was employed by London booksellers as a translator from Latin and French. This copy was in the Fox Pointe Manor Library, a rich collection of 17th-century English imprints gathered by Dr Howard Knohl. ESTC R13368; Hoffmann I, 280. Ref: 53761show full image..
Apuleius, Lucius (Price, John, ed.:) Metamorphoseos Libri XI cum Annotationibus Uberioribus [...] Goudae [Gouda]: Typis Gulieli vander Hoeve, 1650. 2 parts in 1. 8vo., pp. [vi], 262, [ii], 758, [lxvi] + portait plate. Additional engraved title-page included in pagination. Latin text, with references and quotations in Greek. With index and final corrigenda leaf. Device to title-page, woodcut initials. A few very tiny marginal annotations. Slightly toned, ink spotting to some pages sometimes affecting a few letters, paper flaw to bottom margin leaf O2 (2nd part). Contemporary vellum, three black labels letters in gilt to spine, edges slightly overlapped, all edges red. Vellum quite yellowed, some darker staining to spine and rear board but sound. Price's variorum edition, described by Dibdin alongside the Leiden edition of 1614 as follows: "These are valuable editions and sell high: especially the latter [i.e. this 1650 edition]. They contain the excellent observations of Is. Casaubon, 'In Apologiam' [first published 1594] (whose remarks on the Editio princeps of Apuleius are not perhaps generally known,) the various readings of J. Pyrrhus, and the annotations of Beroaldus and Gruter. The latter edition, which is now an exceedingly scarce volume, contains, in addition to the foregoing matter, the annotations of Pricaeus 'in Apologiam,' and the edition usually goes by the name of the latter [?]." Dibdin I, 285; Graesse I, 171; Schweiger 2 pt. 1, 11. Ref: 54376show full image..
Ashmole, Elias: (Hollar, Wenceslaus; Sherwin, William, illus.:) The Institution, Laws & Ceremonies of the Most Noble Order of the Garter. Collected and Digested into One Body [...] London: J. Macock, for Nathanael Brooke, 1672. First edition, second issue. Folio, pp. [xii], 720, [cviii] + 33 leaves of plates, of which 15 are folding, most by Wenceslaus Hollar. Title page in red and black, further illustrations in the text, engraved head- and tail-pieces and initials, with final errata leaf. Some library stamps, very occasional light spotting, a few very tiny scorched(?) specks. A few small pencil notes to margins. Some ms additions to p.717 and the plate opposite: 'Thomas Butler, Earle of Ossory' has been numbered 476 and added to the list of Knights Elected in the Reign of King Charles the Second, and his arms drawn in. In Chapter XXVI: Of the Founder and Knights Companions, the names Gilbert Burnet, Wm. Talbot and Ben Hoadley have been added in pencil to the list of Chancellors of the Order, and the name of Peter Mews has been added to the list of Prelates of the Order (p.719). Contemporary speckled brown boards repacked on lighter tan calf, gilt spine, red morocco label, shelf mark in gilt to final compartment, marbled edges. Old leather a bit chipped at edges of reback, scuffed, small tear to headcap, edges worn, corners frayed, very good overall. Blindstamp of Westminster Public Libraries to centre of upper board, and their bookplate to front pastedown. Small library ink stamp to centre of title-page, to portrait frontis (upper right margin), to plate versos (a few slightly showing through to recto), occasionally to other margins seemingly at random (eg. p.105). A larger inkstamp dated 1969 to title-page verso. Appearing in the same year as the original, this reissue resets pp.717-719 and corrects various mispaginations. Plates include the portrait of Charles II by William Sherwin and the famous fireworks engraving by Hollar. The number of plates found varies greatly between copies (ESTC stating 34), possibly due as much to the scope for confusion between single- doublepage plates as to physical presence or absence. Of all Ashmole's (1617?1692) works, his Order of the Garter had perhaps the greatest contemporary impact. In it he uses his antiquarian researches to great effect in reinforcing a conventionally hierarchical view of society, and was rewarded accordingly: 'On the book'sappearance Ashmole was warmly commended by the Duke of York, while copies which he sent to foreign members of the order - complete with specially printed personal dedications - brought him gratifying compliments: the King of Denmark, the Elector of Brandenburg, and the Elector Palatine all presented him with gold insignia, which are preserved at the Ashmolean Museum.' (ONDB). Oldys notes that the King himself conveyed his approval 'not long after the book was publish'd and inscrib'd to His Majesty' by presenting Ashmole with 'a Privy Seal out of the Custom of Paper, for Four Hundred Pounds, as we find in the Diary, he left behind him, of his own Life.' (British Librarian, p.121). ESTC R225555; Wing A 3983; Lownes I, 80; Oldys 119-26. Ref: 54655show full image..
Aurelius Victor, Sextus: Historia Romana Breviarum cum Schotti, Machanei, Vineti, Lipsii, Casauboni, Gruteri &c. integris notis. Lugduni Batavorum [Leiden] & Amstelodami [Amsterdam]: Apud Danielem, Abrahamum & Adrianum ? Gaesbee 1670. 2 vols. in one, 8vo., pp. 341, [vii], 132, [viii]. Additional engraved title-page by R. de Hooghe, woodcut printer's device to title-page, small illustrations (mainly coins) in the text. De vita et moribus [?] with its own title-page. Occasional light foxing and toning, first few leaves brittle at fore-edge with a few small chips, short closed tear to fore-edge margin N3 not affecting text. Vellum school prize binding, gilt borders and centrepiece with arms of Leiden to each board, edges sprinkled red. Vellum quite browned, small split in centre of upper joint, ties lost, very good. Bound probably as issued with: De vita et moribus imperatorum Romanorum. Lugd. Batav.: Apud Gaasbequios, 1669. Schweiger II, 1136; Spoelder 628 (Leid. 5). Ref: 54546show full image..
Aurelius Victor, Sextus: (Arntzenius, J., ed.:) Historia Romana, cum notis integris Dominici Machanei, Eliae Vineti, Andreae Schotti, Jani Gruteri, nec non exerptis Frid. Sylburgii & Annae Fabri filiae / curante Joanne Arntzenio [?]. Amstelodami [Amsterdam]: apud Janssonio Waesbergios. Trajecti Batav. [Utrecht]: apud Jacobum a Pools 1733. 4to., pp. [xlviii], 668, [cxxxiv] (including one full-page engraving) + additional engraved title-page. 4R4 omitted but text contiunous, as usual. Title page in red and black with engraved vignette, illustrations (mostly numismatic) and a few decorations. Occasional light foxing, head margin a little toned at very top edge, change in paper quality from p.201 onwards resulting in toning (as has been the case in all copies of this book that have passed through our hands), mark (wax?) to 4A1. Vellum school prize binding with gilt arms of Arnhem to each board, later red morroco title label to spine, a few smudges and marks to vellum, ties lost, very good. Bookplate of Em. Dubus to front pastedown. The text is a new recension by Arntzenius, based on the work of Schott. Dibdin includes this edition on his list of best quarto variora, and notes: 'It is certainly an elaborate performance [...] the edition is indispensable to the collector's library.' Dibdin (4th edn.) I 343; Schweiger II 1136; Graesse VII, 299; Spoelder 506 (Arnhem 2)). Ref: 54544show full image..