Antiquarian Booksellers Association
Unsworth's Booksellers
International League of Antiquarian Booksellers

Author: (De Callieres, Fran?ois:)

Title: Des Mots ? la Mode et des Nouvelles Fa?ons de Parler, Avec des observations sur diverses manieres d'agir & de s'exprimer. Et un Discours en Vers sure les m?mes mati?res; [Bound with] Du Bon et du Mauvais Usage, dans les mani?res de s'exprimer des Fa?ons de Parler bourgeoises.

Publication: A la Haye [The Hague]: chez Abraham Troyel, Marchand Libraire a la grande Sale de la Cour, 1697.

Description: 2 works bound as 1. 5th ed.; (2nd ed.). 12mo., pp. [xii], 165, [I]; 160. Pagination of the second work matches the 1694 edition, possibly just an updated title-page. Woodcut motif to each title-page, initials and headpieces. Occasional pencil lines to margins. Closed tear (possibly a paper flaw) to pp.165-6 affecting text but without loss. Very dark brown contemporary calf, spine gilt, marbled endpapers. Spine label lost, a little rubbed, small piece of rear paste-down torn away, still very good. Recent bookplate of Peter Stewart Young of Tillingham to front paste-down; 'Wm. Barber' in an old hand, to title-page of first work; tiny label to rear paste-down, Cook's Books of Rottingdean(?).

Two of the three galante works produced by the diplomat and member of the Acad?mie Fran?aise, Fran?ois de Calli?res, sieur de Rochelay et de Gigny (1645-1717). The first contains the latest courtly expressions and behaviours; the second, the correct usage of French spoken at Court, as opposed to middle-class expressions that should be avoided.


Reference Number: [54412]

Price: £200


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